Welcome to AegeanVA

Aegean Virtual Airlines is a virtual airline company, created by a captain and instructor of Aegean Airlines® for all Flight Simulator enthusiasts.
Real pilots, Captains, Flight Officers and instructors, commercial and private pilots, pass their knowledge to the members of Aegean VA.
Our organisation, simulates the operation of the real Aegean Airlines® and not only. Many tours are "on air", and there are flights from & to 5 continents. This website has no relation with original Aegean Airlines®. It was created with sole role to be used in combination with Microsoft Flight Simulator™, Prepar3D™ or X-Plane™. All logos and references to Microsoft, Lockheed Martin Boeing, Aegean, etc. are legally owned by the rightful owners. All statements and activities are not related to any extent with those of Aegean Airlines® The content and information shall only be used in the virtual world and must not be used in real flights. This term is must not be violated and Aegean Virtual Airlines has no responsibility whatsoever This site does not retain personal data such as Ip, Mac Ip ,biometrics ,et. Aegean VA operations are based on the networks of VATSIM and IVAO where all on-line flights take place. For more information regarding your registration, to fly with us, visit the Register page


Total Pilots 414
Aircraft in fleet 139
Routes 325
Total hours: 103434.69
New Website Flights total 6662
Flights Regular 683
Flights Charter 5991
% Flights Regular 10.25 %


CallsignDepartureArrivalDateFlight Time
AEE857  LGAV  EBCI 09-01-2025 02:44
AEE270  LGHI  LGMT 08-01-2025 00:30
AEE292  LIMC  LGAV 04-01-2025 02:35
AEE941  LGKR  LGIR 02-01-2025 01:01
AEE857  LIPZ  LSGG 28-12-2024 01:21







vatsim Certified Ivao Certified



vatsim Certified

Powered by Virtual Airlines Manager [v2.6.2]

This site has no connection with the actual Aegean Airlines®.
The site was designed exclusively for use in conjunction with Microsoft Flight Simulator™, Prepar3D™ and X-plane™.
Any References to Microsoft, Aegean, Airbus, Boeing, etc. are legally owned by the manufacturers and their owners.
Our views and activities are quite different from those of the real Aegean Airlines®. Everything is virtual. Resources and information cannot be used on real flights but only for virtual ones.

Everything was created for entertainment only