RankRank ImageRank Minimum HoursRank Maximum HoursSalary per hour:
Type Rating Examiner4000
Type Rating Instructor4000
Senior Type Rating Instructor4500
First Officer1050250
Senior First Officer50400500
Senior Captain60012001500
Senior Commercial Captain120020003000

Powered by Virtual Airlines Manager [v2.6.2]

This site has no connection with the actual Aegean Airlines®.
The site was designed exclusively for use in conjunction with Microsoft Flight Simulator™, Prepar3D™ and X-plane™.
Any References to Microsoft, Aegean, Airbus, Boeing, etc. are legally owned by the manufacturers and their owners.
Our views and activities are quite different from those of the real Aegean Airlines®. Everything is virtual. Resources and information cannot be used on real flights but only for virtual ones.

Everything was created for entertainment only